Title: Don't Give Up Pairing: RyoPi [main] /Tegopi [one-sided] Rating: PG-NC17 Author: christelle143 Disclaimer: "These incredibly hot guys are mine!" -> what my heart says but the law says otherwise :)) Previous Chapters: [Chapter 1][Chapter 2][Chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5]
Title: Don't Give Up Pairing: RyoPi/Tegopi Rating: PG {only for use of words and kissing XD} Author: christelle143 disclaimer: "These incredibly hot guys are mine!" -> what my heart says but the law says otherwise :)) Previous Chapters: [chapter 1][chapter 2][Chapter 3]
Title: Don't Give Up Pairing: RyoPi Rating: PG {only for use of words and kissing XD} Author: christelle143 disclaimer: "These incredibly hot guys are mine!" -> what my heart says but the law says otherwise :)) Previous Chapters: [chapter 1][chapter 2]
Title: Don't Give Up Pairing: RyoPi Rating: PG {only for use of words and kissing XD} Author: christelle143 disclaimer: blah blah. .dun own them~~ Previous Chapters: [chapter 1]